#WCCWiki: Editing Wikipedia with the Women’s Classical Committee UK
Emma Bridges (ICS) and Claire Millington (KCL)
Digital Classicist London seminar 2018
Friday July 6th at 16:30, in room 234, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU
Livecast at Digital Classicist London YouTube channel.
With more than 40 million articles in over 300 languages, Wikipedia is the Internet’s largest and most visited source of information. Relying on the collaborative efforts of volunteer editors to generate and update content, it operates a strict set of editing standards, yet is inherently customisable and ever-changing to reflect the preoccupations of its users. This model, which harnesses the power of the crowd, is an effective one, yet some groups are underrepresented among Wikipedia’s editors; this can lead to imbalanced coverage of some subjects. This talk will introduce a project which is working to redress the gender imbalance in the representation of classicists on the online encyclopaedia.