Rethinking 3D visualisation: from illustration to research tool

Valeria Vitale (King’s College London)

Digital Classicist London & Institute of Classical Studies seminar 2016

Friday July 1st at 16:30, in room 234, Senate House, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HU

The use of 3D visualisation is becoming increasingly popular in the study of the Ancient World. However, 3D images are often merely used as eye-catching illustrations, their value reduced to aesthetic pleasantness or technological lure. This seminar will start by showing, through examples and case studies, the importance of spatial information (such as location, dimension, geometry) in the understanding of ancient places and artefacts. Then, it will discusses how 3D visualisation can be used as a powerful tool to represent and investigate this kind of information, enhancing—and sometimes challenging—our approaches to tangible and intangible ancient cultural heritage.

Recommended readings:

Hugh Denard (2012), “A New Introduction to the London Charter.” In A. Bentkowska-Kafel, D. Baker & H. Denard (eds.) Paradata and Transparency in Virtual Heritage, Digital Research in the Arts and Humanities Series (Ashgate) 57-71. Available:

Hermon, S. (2008). “Reasoning in 3D: a critical appraisal of the role of 3D modelling and virtual reconstructions in archaeology.” in Beyond Illustration: 2D and 3D Technologies as Tools for Discovery in Archaeology, BAR International Series, 36-45. Available:

Livecast at Digital Classicist London YouTube channel.